Thursday 22 April 2010

just to add..

As mine and Andrews last film project was quite a success, and I havent really heard back from the group about the last film we did. We have decided to do a project together another film based upon the script "Tickets" Andrew was disappointed with the film he did with the last project it sounded rushed and watching it we discussed and critisied the things that we would change, like location to a quiter area, maybe less speaking, camera angles etc.
Anyway so I just thought it was lovely that he came back to me again and asked if I would direct his film. Fantastic, must have some talent then.
Ok I'm done applauding myself now, just thought I'd share

Virtual Environment

So I have had my first seminar on 3d max, and i love it I think the moment I get my head round the tools and begin to understand and be more fluid with it. It'll be awesome, such a good programme I cant wait to get good, I think I have found my creative spark again YAY!!!
Originally I was going to do the classic Batcave but its already been done, I'll basically be copying as I dont like change and I think the Batcave is perfect the way it is. No instead I think I'll do his arch Villian the JOKER! I do love the joker very much he is like batman's other half. But I'm going to have a good think about it and get back to you, with some sketches and idea's i have for it!
I think I know which pathway I would like to choose, 3D is just such a good programme, its like the 1st time I ever used flash or photoshop.

The Batcomputer

The Batcave, Main Floor


Hey been a while since i've been on my blog just because i have been busy as hell living and sorting out a trip to london. Recently I have been feeling very uncreative, almost avoiding working with anything creative for weeks now, but I've decided that creativity wont come back to me just lazing around. Soooo.. Now the decision is to engross myself fully in this new project as we have now completed the film (it was ok, not the best lots of improvements might be needed) I will come back to that bit. I have a new project and its finally the project I'm most excited about, the 3D max, virtual environments!!
I have been waiting all year for this project and the first lesson i was so ill it was ridiculous, but I have been reading the tutorials online and lecture notes on NOW. I think I need to get the programme though as just watching means nothing without doing it, so I'm looking forward to today. I am a bit worried I wont grasp it, I can see the similarities it has to photoshop like the layout and basic key functions. So i'm hoping that my basic knowledge will help me keep up with the rest. Another large plus factor is the Brief, which is to create a superheroes lair! MASSIVE batman fan here, so i have books and encyclopedia on it, plus a huge spread describing each and every floor of the Batcave. I most excited to make Batmans computer and his Baddies museum.
Just hope i crack the programme as then I will hopefully get my excitement back!
Will be better on the updates now x