Sunday 27 November 2011

I have now started a new blog. It's all upto date too, with all my new skills, drawings and animations

Thursday 17 March 2011

Mr Hyde's beginning

Here's Hyde's side of the story, his beginning, I've now begun finalizing character designs of my hooded Jekyll figure

Wednesday 9 March 2011


I have and start with good intentions but then motivation slowly slides away and its hard to catch it again. I love deviantart, because its there I tend to be able to catch my motivation and find my inspiration.

So lets begin, i've put an image up recently of my current project, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

I've read the book repeatedly and I spent forever drawing out the story line and and ideas for its characters, but it was to no avail. It wasnt till one day while i was walking to work that i saw a brightly coloured piece of street art, on the side of a shop. It hit me then, rather than copying the story line, copying the ideas using the characters, I decided to do my own take. My story is inspired by Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde not copying it.

I will be adding my drawings as I now have a sketch book nearly full dedicated to this project. I want to keep the motivation going, I want to be able to finish my final piece. Work in 3ds max and make my 1st successful 3min film.

Wish me luck

Lets begin...I've sketched out and transferred into photoshop the 1st murial of Dr jekylls life, his childhood.


Watched since birth, yet born into a wealthy industrial family. Hands signify forever being trapped, someone/thing lurking in the background.
Brainwashed by tv to conform.
Evil always lurking as he grows with age.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Carry on Sceaming

Using the ideas and layout of the laboratory from the Carry on film, "Carry on Screaming". I am able to create the same creepy classic room which will fit my Dr Jekyll.

Stone cracked walls, huge bulbs dangling from the ceiling.

The equipment is all steel and metal, giving it a clinical feel, yet at the same time everything doesnt seem clean. Dust and rot.

Huge Dials and electrical equipment hooked to the walls. Meter and power readings, fuel guages and huge fuse boxes. Basement feel.Books and cabinets in the backgroung suggest educated and studious, like Dr Jekyll is to be portrayed. The Large thick oak desk which is behind the Beast in the picture above will also have an influence.

Although in the film Carry on Screaming, there is not enough work desk which have vials and potions and notebooks to be spread about upon.

Monday 31 January 2011

1st part of the story line

1. Outside, thunderstorm, looking into a barred window.
2. Getting closer and closer to window, seeing the a scientist by candle light
3. Camera Pans down onto him writing in a notebook
4. Close up of notebook, and its sketches of a beastly creature
5. Dr jekyll looks up into a mirror, (he's haggard, ill looking)
6. Bows head into his hands, and then finishes writing
7. The candle on the desk is blown out, leaving the room in a cold bluey darkness.

Tones: Mostly using a blue tone, cool/cold. While candle is lit it gives off a eerie orangey colour (green)

Dr Jekyll

Dr Jekyll this is an initial idea of my version of him. In the animation he will be a lot darker, I'll also keep with the 1st sketch of him with a a slight hunch.

Character Traits
Scientist (clearly)
Civilized (Hair trimmed and cut)
Sensible (Gloves + Boots)
Older Gentleman (grey)
Tall (Representative of him in society)
Slim (well kept, busy with work)
Crooked Nose (Roman nose - Stature)
Beard (Sign of wisedom, wizards)

I kept the character's outfit and features open to any era, from victorian to futuristic.


Films used for inspiration:
Nine, Treasure Planet, Beowulf, Resident evil, American Werewolf in London, Fight Club, Dead Space

30 Days of Night, Welcome to Hoxford, Arkham Asylum, Sandman, Batman (two face)

Fantasy creatures, Sci fi, Horror

Dead Space, Resident Evil, F.E.A.R, Boarderlands, Spore

Mr Hyde

Ideas for Mr Hyde. He is smaller that Dr Jekyll, as he hasnt been allowed to be develope (Stunted growth). This is a more human like form of the evil within. Considering not taking it down this route.

The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Drawings of ideas i have done of Dr Jekyll trying to find a style that portrays him the way the story wants it.