Sunday 6 December 2009

Taking it one Step Further.. Pixelation

One of the beginning projects we did was pinhole cameras. Using a beer can we made photographs, well I actually took this a step further and got an early christmas present from Hawkins Bazaar. Pinhole Camera kit is actually quite good, still trying to figure out how to put it together, maybe I will read the instructions. I am also thinking of using the images I get from the camera to use in my Pixelation piece. I was thinking of doing a short stop frame animation with the images, so maybe incorporating it into my actual project

I think it sounds like a plan.... now to read the instrustions. Its a good little box of everything u would need.

Monday 30 November 2009

A War For Your Mnd

These videos along with their lyrics have sparked off a series of paintings and photoshop creations. Especially the lyrics done by flobots "We are winning" I am, when I get some more money together, going to create a stopframe animation watching the progression of a canvassed wall painted based upon a running theme of there is "A War For Your Mind!" An attack on commercialism and corruption.

This is Flobots- We are Winning (more based upon the lyrics)

And this is Chase and Status- End Credits

The War Animation YOUTUBE thingy

As promised I told you I would eventually figure out how to put up a youtube link. Here is my War Animation, what do you think. Personally I feel I should have left the lasting image up a little longer, but cant be changed as i have lost the original files whoops...


Well its been a while since my last blog, but I have been horrendously ill!! But through the dileriums of my fevers I have come up with a many bizarre and intreseting drawings and ideas.
My frog story is finished, although at the moment I am fighting with flash and its buttons, so I am debating wether to keep at it as its rather frustrating now, but will upload a few scenes. I think I did right in going down the childrens story/fable route.
ALSO... I think I should share with you all what kind of work really inspires me. Its a Animator by the name of Jan Svankmajer. His work is influenced by surrealism and nightmares and I love his work.
There are so many clips and films on youtube that I really recommend. Its very similar to work by Brothers Quay. Svankmajers best piece is definitly Alice, based around lewis carols story Alice in Wonderland. If you like bizarre nightmarish Stopframe Animations this guy is your number one person to check out. As you can probably tell I've been watching alot of his work in my feverish moments. Like to keep inspired.
Here is a link you have to check out

Friday 13 November 2009

Front Page of Story

So I have been working, trying to figure out the best direction to take the story, should it be a childrens fable, or should I give it more adult like qualities and make it more quirky. I'm trying to make a story line for both options to choose from.
But I have done an opening page or title page to give you a feel for what the story will be like. The poor frog just drags his long legs behind him.

Interactive Narrative Storyline

This week, I have been through several different ideas, werewolves, princesses, villains, Batman. Each idea more complicated then the last. Each Less creative then the 1st... But then while researching Interactive narrative I got a bit distracted and started watching shrek 2.

I started to think about the Animal traits of the characters, then a frog came up onto the screen and it stuck. "The Frog that couldn't Hop" Frogs jumping, hopping that is their thing. I did look into other similar stories like The Bald Hedgehog, The Elephant with the Smallest Trunk, etc.

I wanted to look at other frog stories and came across this Interactive Narrative: , it has the next page option and go back option for each page of the story, which is a start into what i'm going to be looking at.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

War Animation

i will eventually get it right promise, just using the video bar to display it for the time being. Sorry, its the single image on the right. have my back to the camera wearing a white hoodie. Sorry if you can't find it here is the link

Dont Be Afraid

well its taken me ages to upload this video onto youtube, then they took the music off for copyright music. BUT... here it is, my War animation with new music, I did using the stop frame technique. One big wall, bucket of black paint and a paint brush! I uploaded all the images into final cut pro, to create the above.

I did it while out in Norway, and projected it onto an old submarine shelter wall (very big wall) for my final piece. It made such an impact actually got me into the newspaper there. The title Says "Don't Be Afraid" and goes onto talk about me and my work. I'm not going to translate it all as I'd be typing forever, and my Norwegian reading isn't so great

Monday 2 November 2009


Thought I would admit to my love for Batman, and Bob Kane, because if it was not for him, Batman would not exist. I did this drawing beginning of the year and feel I should share it.

I did it with pen and ink, then imported it into photoshop to add the little bits of colour and speech bubble.

I now feel inspired to draw another image, maybe one day I'll be helping to create the animated series or films.

Monday 19 October 2009

Art from a Beer can

A pinhole camera is simply a lightproof box, with a very tiny hole (hence the term pinhole camera) on the side. I used a beer can as my lightproof box smothered in gaffer tape. Light from the pictured area passes through the pinhole and casts an inverted image on the opposite side.

Now that the concept is understood I wanted to take it slightly further, with the idea that the image projected is much sharper then any digital camera. Using lots of beer cans all lined up together, exposing each beer can after another. So having a row of images and inverting them in Photoshop. Then put into Adobe flash, I'll be able to create a short stop frame animation. Now to find the right area, and to save up for the pinhole camera kit from Hawkins Bazaar.
(image from

Wednesday 7 October 2009


The 1st time I ever wrote about myself was for the personal statement to get into Nottingham Trent University, and that took me two years. I'm always exploring and experimenting and my poor personal statement couldnt keep up.

This is my 1st post of many to come. There will be some scary things, intresting things and raw things. All to build me and my work to its utmost